Wednesday 28 May 2014

So I Read The Massive: Subcontinental

A 250 word (or less) review of The Massive: Volume Two
by Brain Wood, Garry Brown, Dave Stewart, Jordie Bellaire, Gary Erskine, Declan Shalvey, Danijel Zezelj; Dark Horse Books

For a *SPOILER* free review of The Massive: Volume One, click here.

The Massive is a comic that portrays a realistic and horrifying worst-case scenario of climate change. The series does a really remarkable job providing context for the potential cost of our destructive, polluting ways. The Massive: Subcontinental picks up the story with Captain Callum Isreal and the rest of his Ninth Wave team as they search the world's oceans hunting for The Massive, their missing mothership, lost in the terrible events of the Crash. This volume of the story adds further complications and challenges for the crew of the Kapital that really emphasize just how hopeless the situation is and which should pay off as the series continues. The Massive: Subcontinental is, more than anything, a chapter starting several new, interesting subplots to the series rendered with some great, atmospheric artwork. That said, this chapter of the story was a little unsatisfying as a standalone entity: it didn't answer of any of the intriguing questions posed in the first chapter, substantially advance any of the existing subplots, or really offer an interesting conclusion or cliffhanger. The chapter ends with a very similar, but more complicated, status quo. I feel that when The Massive is complete Subcontinental will work well as a part of a whole (and that it’s fine if you are reading in issues), it's just not a particularly exciting volume if you are tradewaiting. Despite this, I think The Massive is a pretty interesting series and Subcontinental, as a part of the larger series, is worth a read.

Word count: 250


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